PortraitMasters captures the special memories that players, parents and coaches can enjoy forever.

When you select PortraitMasters for your youth sports pictures, you have joined a winning team that has been serving youth sports for over 40 years. No group is too large or too small, we help single teams to large leagues or clubs.

We offer a generous selection of quality products. We can customize most any of our products with a team logo, color scheme or design for your league.

Why select PortraitMasters for your youth sports photography:
✓ Local. We are an Oregon company. We only photograph Oregon sports teams.
✓ Hassle-Free. We will make your picture day easy and stress-free.
✓ Affordable. Sports packages for individuals and teams that fit any budget.
✓ Experience. Over 40 years, we know what works.
✓ Complimentary Services. Coach or sponsor plaques.
✓ Our Lab. Our processing lab is in Oregon and we own it.
✓ Peace of Mind. 100% satisfaction guaranteed.

Why Not Compare?

When was the last time you compared your current school photography services with another company's services?

Contact us. We are happy to provide a no obligation proposal that shows the services we can provide your school.